Our work in flavone chemistry was published in IUCrData 2018, 3 (8), x181138. DOI:10.1107/S2414314618011380 Congrats to Raven on her...
Biomaterials Enabled Cell-Free Strategies for Endogenous Bone Regeneration.
Our paper was published in Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews. DOI:10.1089/ten.TEB.2018.0012 Repairing bone defects poses a major...
Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of (2-(Pyridinyl)methylene)-1-tetralone Chalcones for Anticancer a
Our work was published in Medicinal Chemistry. DOI : 10.2174/1573406413666171020121244 Abstract: Background: Chalcones, natural products...
Student Scholars Symposium 2018
Research students Robert Smith, Minh Nguyen, Michael Kelly, and Kenneth Richardson presented posters at the Student Scholars Symposium....
Visualization of mercury(II) accumulation in vivo using bioluminescence imaging with a highly select
Our paper was published in Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry DOI:10.1039/c8ob00398j Mercury is a highly toxic environmental pollutant...
Robert I. Strozier Faculty Lecture "Hoptimization of the Brewing Process"
Dr. Sarah Gray and I will be giving a Robert I. Strozier Faculty Lecture about our collaboration with Southbound Brewery and our research...
Can Licorice Cure Cancer? Using natural products as inspiration for medicinal chemistry research
I was invited to give a talk to the Georgia Southern Biology Research Seminar class about my research. #talks #research
Michael Kelly presented senior research
Michael Kelly presented his senior research seminar titled "Using a microwave reactors to catalyze reactions for organic chemistry labs."...
The Spring 2018 ACS National Meeting was held in New Orleans. We (Drs. Brandon Quillian, Mitch Weiland, Sarah Zingales) presented our...
Three of my students attended SERMACS in Charlotte, NC and presented their work in the Undergraduate Research Poster Session. Michael...