Moving to the US Coast Guard Academy
Starting in July, Dr. Z can be found at the USCGA! Until then, you can contact her at zingaleschem (at) gmail (dot) com.
ACS PRF Grant Awarded
Dr. Z was awarded an American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund for Undergraduate Research (ACS-PRF UR) for 2024-2026 titled...
Dylan gives a poster at ACS-CVS Undergraduate Symposium
Dylan presented his work optimizing a green method for synthesizing an important intermediate in our bis-chalcone project.
New paper on chemistry pedagogy
Moster, C.A.; Zingales, S.K. Use of specifications-based grading in an online, asynchronous graduate organic chemistry course, Frontiers...
New publication!
Our anticancer project was published with 4 student co-authors in Heterocyclic Commiunications! Check it out: Smith, R.; Roberts, W.;...
Dr. Z at NOS
Dr. Zingales traveled to University of Notre Dame for the National Organic Symposium. She won a PUI faculty travel award and presented...
USJ Students present at NERM 2023
McKenna gave an oral presentation titled "Double the fun: Synthesizing oxazinones via a multicomponent Biginelli-like reaction and...
Student Posters at NERM 2022
Mary & McKenna did a great job presenting their research at the Northeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society on October...
USJ students present at ECSC
Two undergraduate research students from the Zingales lab presented their work on developing synthetic routes to oxazinones. Ariana and...
OrgSyn PUI Grant funded
Dr. Zingales was awarded an OrgSyn PUI grant titled "A multi-PUI collaboration into developing an umpolung Biginelli-like reaction:...