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Current Group Members:

D. Engels – Biochemistry major

G. Gabral – Biochemistry major

M. Gibson – Chemistry major

K. Nguyen – Chemistry Major













Former Group Members in CT:

J. Barile  – MS Chemistry; adjunct professor at USJ

A. Gazaferi – BS Chemistry; PhD student at Tufts University

M. Jaffri – BS Chemistry

S. Majek – BS Chemistry; DMD student at UConn

W. Roberts – MS Chemistry; JD student at UConn

M. Upenieks – BS Biochemistry; PhD students at University of Rhode Island


Former Group Members in GA:


N. Ahmed – GS BS in Chemistry

A. Bacon‡ – GS biochemistry major; PhD student at North Carolina State University

C. Belflower – ASU BS in Biology; MPH at Mercer University

K. Calkins – ASU post baccalaureate student

D. Carter – GS BS in Chemistry; employed at local chemical company

M. Craig – GS BS in Chemistry; MD student at Moorehouse School of Medicine

B. Dang – GS transferred to Georgia Tech

R. Dean – GS BS in Chemistry, PhD student at Vanderbilt University

A. Duran – ASU BS in Chemistry; MD student at Loyola University

R. Francis – GS MSAPS student

J. Futch – ASU BS in Rehabilitation Sciences; DPT student at University of St Augustine

M. Wallace Gibson – ASU BS in Biochemistry; MD Medical College of Georgia

A. Goetz – ASU BS in Physics

S. Gumann – ASU post baccalaureate student

D. Hayward – ASU BS in Biology; MS student at Loughborough University

G. Her – ASU post baccalaureate student

K. Heritage – ASU chemistry major

S. Jarrell – GS BS in Biochemistry, MD student at University of West Virginia

D. Josey – GS transferred to University of Georgia

M. Kelly – ASU BS in Chemistry; PhD student at University of Tennessee

H. LaCount – GS biochemistry major

L. Lewicki – USJ chemistry major; PharmD at USJ

E. Marye – ASU BS in Biology

P. Metzger – ASU pre-nursing major

M. Moore – ASU post baccalaureate student; MD at UNC Chapel Hill

M. Nguyen – GS BS in Biochemistry; MD student at VCOM

T. Ngyuen – ASU post baccalaureate student; PharmD at University of Michigan

C. Reiter – ASU BS in Chemistry; employed at local chemical company

K. Richardson‡ – GS BS in Biochemistry; PharmD student at University of Pittsburgh

W. Roberts – USJ MS Chemistry student

C. Roozbehi – GS post baccalaureate student

N. Sawal – ASU BS in Biology

L. Símon – GS biology major

R. Smith – GS BS in Chemistry; MS student at GA-PCOM  

R. Smith – GS BS in Chemistry, PhD student at Florida State University

R. Staley – GS transferred to Columbus State University

K. Stewart – GS BS in Biology

A. Tran – ASU BS in Medical Laboratory Sciences

M. Underwood – ASU BS in Computer Science


       ‡ACS Scholar

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